Our Association


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The Hungarian Teacher’s Association of Romania (HTAR) was founded in 1991 as a professional organization to advocate for the education that uses Hungarian as the language of learning and teaching in kindergarten, primary, secondary and high-schools.

The organization’s constitution states that its aim and main activity is to help Hungarian language based education and schoolmastery on all levels of Romanian public education. Its activity is based on three principles: quality, authenticity and decency. Our vocation is to advance Hungarian education in Romania, especially the education that uses Hungarian as a language of instruction and to improve the professional reputation and social appreciation of pedagogues.

With the four educational and methodology centres (the Seclerland Centre in Miercurea-Ciuc, the Teleki Centre in Sovata, the Gál Kelemen Centre in Cluj Napoca and Partium Centre in Oradea) we colligate the network of educational institutions in Romania that use Hungarian language as a language of teaching and learning. These institutions aid the development of Hungarian public education and organize trainings for pedagogues. The Association partakes in debates on reforming the education system.

The Association wants to partake in the process of democratizing Romanian educational system. To help Hungarian language based learning in Romania we think, it is important to integrate into the European educational structure, this way the Transylvanian education may make an appearance internationally.

For our future

“…the continuing work of the Association can only become more resultful and effective if all those who become members of our Association will continue to work mostly voluntarily knowing our goals and our chosen ways to achieve them. It is our hope that our young fellow pedagogues, who are our profession’s and future’s hope will recognize the chance and usefulness of working together effectively in these novatory, upgrading and shapable inner establishments of the HTAR. We expect them and gladly welcome them in our midst. We need joining, solidarity among the profession, collaboration, sustainable roles, taking part with vocation and credibility. In the last twenty years or more the circle of the Association crystallized: we have to keep envisioning the paths of future with alliance and thinking together using the experiences we gained together.”

the development of the network of Hungarian schools in Romania, for the effective work of these schools and for good quality education

The Association tries to effectively help preserving and developing the educational forms of Hungarian ethnic communities by its public activity and professional programs. It cooperates with Ministries of Education, the County School Board, the local government bodies and their education committees.

In order to form national education policy in a way that it takes the aims of Hungarian communities in consideration, HTAR cooperates with professionals on the field of education policy and every social organization that gives an importance to the principle of subsidiarity.

Our strategic goal is to establish a Hungarian human-resource center, which can coordinate between ministries, pedagogy institutes, universities, teachers’ training colleges, special training institutions, county pedagogue houses and the HTAR’s methodology centres on the fields of innovation, development and further pedagogue training in Hungarian.

In companion with representatives of Hungarian politics in Romania, civil organizations, churches, local and county councils and educational institutes we initiate shaping an educational strategy to develop Hungarian public education and higher education in Romania.

Considering the importance of nurturing traditions, historical and cultural heritage we help realizing programs that preserve ethnic identity in schools. We categorically stand against every law, regulation, act and initiative that impairs the constitutional right to mother tongue education or restrains the use of mother tongue.

for quality education and upbringing

We seek cooperation with every institution, professional organization that works for educational institutions and pedagogues.

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